Julia interface to Tao real-time framework
This package implements the Julia interface to the real-time framework of Tao (a Toolkit for Adaptive Optics).
TAO real-time libraries and Tao.jl Julia package must have been installed. Follow instructions there.
Two environment variables, TAO_INCDIR
, have to be defined to
indicate where are TAO header files and TAO libraries. They can be defined
in your shell or in Julia. For instance for a Bourne-like shell:
export TAO_INCDIR=/path/to/TAO/headers
export TAO_LIBDIR=/path/to/TAO/libraries
where /path/to/TAO/headers
and /path/to/TAO/libraries
are the directories
where are installed the headers and compiled libraries of TAO. For a C-shell,
this becomes:
setenv TAO_INCDIR /path/to/TAO/headers
setenv TAO_LIBDIR /path/to/TAO/libraries
From Julia (these commands may be added to your ~/.julia/config/startup.jl
ENV["TAO_INCDIR"] = "/path/to/TAO/headers"
ENV["TAO_LIBDIR"] = "/path/to/TAO/libraries"
Then start Julia and type ]
to switch to the package manager prompt
and execute the following commands:
add https://github.com/emmt/OptimPackNextGen.jl
add https://git-cral.univ-lyon1.fr/emmt/ScientificDetectors.jl
add https://git-cral.univ-lyon1.fr/tao/TaoBindings.jl
build TaoBindings