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Single Domain Peeling Off

Leo Michel-Dansac requested to merge sdpo into develop

Import Jeremy's implementation of the Single Domain Peeling Off algorithm.

Correct a problem for the initial peel. Problem was that the peel had a frequency in the direction of emission of the photon packet instead of in the direction of the mock. We have first corrected frequency at initialisation of peeling off, recomputing the frequency in the cell frame and then projecting for each mock direction. Then, the problem was fixed for all kind of sources (cells, stars, source models).

WARNING: the format of PPIC files changes with the addition of a new field (velocity of the emitting source for each photon packet). This makes the old PPIC files not readable anymore by RASCAS...

Also add the peeling off option in rascas-serial, update PhotonsFromSourceModel.f90, and update python modules

Merge request reports