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MUSE Python Data Analysis Framework
Documentation: http://mpdaf.readthedocs.io/
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Python wrapper for lenstool software
Documentation : http://pylenstool.readthedocs.io/
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Development of the base features of Lenstool using HPC techniques for modern CPU and GPU clusters.
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Tool to integrate the mass and kappa maps given as output from lenstool
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based on mpdaf, this script can produce narrow band images in command line
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Reproduction pipeline for MUSE UDF photometry and astrometry (Section 4 of Bacon et al. 2017, A&A, 608, A1).
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Reproduction pipeline to generate HST broad-band magnitudes for ORIGIN-only detected objects within MUSE 3D datacube (Section 7.3 of Bacon et al. 2017, A&A, 608, A1)
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Ramses Analysis Tool Accessory To Optimise User Inquiries at Low Level (Epiphenomenon)
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reports on the progress of the Toolkit for Adaptive Optics
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This repository is to help installing LIBFLI, the SDK of Finger Lakes Instrumentation, on Linux.