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[WIP] Shared mask implementation

Simon Conseil requested to merge shared-mask into master

I started to experiment on a shared mask implementation. Still a number of thing to do/check:

  • Add tests
  • Check when the previous mask must be combined with a new one when setting data
  • Check if setting values (scalar, ndarray, MaskedArray) on works as expected (+ check with slices, use hardened mask ?)
  • Currently self.var is still a ndarray, and self.masked_var must be used to get a MaskedArray. This is on purpose because I think changing this requires a number of changes everywhere in MPDAF, so it should be done in a separate branch.
  • Check if it is possible to issue a warning for the old self.mask() method which is replaced with self.mask_region() because .mask is now a property. It seems difficult to do.

One of the benefit of this is that code that currently use could use directly self._data (and the same for the mask).

How does it look, @laure.piqueras @mcs ?

Merge request reports
