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  • Mohammad Akhlaghi's avatar
    Pipeline ready for public release · f97e8fff
    Mohammad Akhlaghi authored
    Some cosmetic changes were made in the pipeline to prepare it for the
    public release. In particular the following:
     - The `README' file was updated to be more clear and follow the same
       format as that of the photometry and astrometry pipeline (with the
       necessary corrections).
     - A `configure' script was added to greatly simply the processing of
       setting the input directories. The version controlled
       `' file is now the base file. After running
       `./configure', a copy of it is put into `' and an
       editor is opened so the user can set them easily.
     - The acceptable version of Gnuastro was changed from the unofficial
       and not-released version `0.2.52-f620' to `0.2.51-bc56-bugfix'. The
       only necessary correction was in a single file
       (`bin/mkcatalog/upperlimit.c'), so that file is now included in
       this pipeline to allow easy correction to the main Gnuastro branch
       if it is necessary to fetch this snapshot from Gnuastro's h...